What To Do Geelong

The Geelong Small Business Awards

With Geelong having its fair share of hits in big business from the likes of Ford, Target and Alcoa, it’s the small businesses in Geelong that are banding together, growing the economy and employing people. There are also many small businesses that may not have a huge audience reach of awareness, but are doing extraordinary things in and for Geelong, that these awards want to recognize. That’s why The ANZ Geelong Small Business Awards has been created, a unique program within the award arena, solely focusing on micro to small businesses.

Unlike many awards, they don’t look at financials and measurement of success; they are looking at things like contribution to the community, innovation and collaboration.

Geelong is home to some of the most creative, innovative and thriving small businesses and we house a great number of dedicated local heroes who support Geelong and it’s tight-knit and loyal community. ​

It’s time to bring it all together and give reward and recognition where due, this time focusing on the little guys that are shaping our culture and community.